The Genius Portal Podcast

The Genius Portal Podcast is a resource of creative conversations where the frequency brings you home to yourself. These episodes are curated to help you get to know our curriculum and the golden wisdom each pillar of the Genius Portal holds. The episodes are a powerful investment of your time where you leave feeling more empowered to be yourself.

EP19. Weaving Magic with Craig Goddard

Join Ellie and Craig as they follow Craig on his journey of weaving magic into his life. Transitioning from a life of wanting more to a life of having more.

EP18. Practical Spirituality with Em

Join Ellie and Em in a discussion about Em's journey through Catholicism to Plant Medicine on the journey home to self.

EP: 17 A Warrior For Greatness with Clare Dunn

In this episode Ellie Deighton and Clare Dunn dive into the beginnings of her life led by her genius and what it means to be a warrior for greatness. These are the stories, of the
little place between the cracks that no one sees, that you must know are there and maybe don’t understand. Stories of alchemy. Where it is not true lead that we are turning to gold, but it is we who are becoming gold.

© 2023 Genius Space Enterprise.

Bunbury, Western Australia